Collection Deletion

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If you're struggling with getting rid of collections, I have good news.

I've documented my simple 3-step process for getting collections deleted from your credit report. This method not only gets the collection deleted, but also gets the debt cancelled and stops debt collectors from harrassing you for payment!

Inside this tutorial, you will learn:

How to get collection accounts deleted from your credit report.

How to dispute directly with the collection company to ensure the collection(s) are permanetly deleted from your report.

How to read your credit report and find collection accounts that are being reported.

How to write your dispute letters to the collection company to get the collection deleted after sending just one dispute letter. (dispute letter templates will be available for download)


You have collection accounts on your report and you don't know how to get them deleted or you have tried with no success.

You want to buy your dream house, car, or want to get approved for business credit but collections on your credit report are holding you back.

You want to get those collection accounts deleted from your credit report without having to spend hundreds and hundreds on credit repair services.

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Meet Shanel, The CEO of Consumers Connect LLC

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Shanel began studying credit in 2011 after being denied financing for a car due to her low credit score. She knew there had to be a way to fix her credit and not have to wait 7 years for negative items to fall off her credit report. After a year of researching and trial & error, she was able to clean her credit report of all negative accounts which resulted in her achieving a 730 credit score.

She started to help friends and family members with their credit, helping one of her brothers obtain a 730 score and was able to purchase his first car. Her second brother was able to build a 740 FICO score in 9 months, allowing him to get approved for a $20k credit card. She helped her sister get all negative accounts deleted (including a repo account) in less than 30 days. And the success stories goes on and on!

For Shanel, credit has changed her life, changed the lives of those that she has helped and, she’s on a mission to helping thousands of people change their life with credit by sharing the strategies in this Collection Deletion Tutorial.

Shanel is always learning new strategies and methods in the credit industry which ensures the best possible results and is one of the reasons why her clients have a 90% success rate in getting negative accounts deleted from their credit reports.

***DISCLAIMER: Your results may vary and will depend on many factors.... including but not limited to you taking action, your effort, and being persistent in getting your desired results. The deletions shown above are a result of following this tutorial step by step. THIS METHOD IS FOR COLLECTION ACCOUNTS ONLY.. There is a seperate tutorial available for purchase for other negative accounts such as charged offs and student loans as there are different methods for different situations.

This should NOT be construed as financial or legal advice and if you need any financial or legal advice please contact a licensed advisor and/or attorney. If you are not willing to accept this, please DO NOT PURCHASE THIS TUTORIAL (DIGITAL PRODUCT).




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